Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Day at The 603 Trails

We were supposed to go to this on our northeast BMX adventure that got postponed after I hit my face. Hopefully (and by that I mean DEFINITELY) next year!

A Day at The 603 Trails from Chris Long on Vimeo.

Monday, September 27, 2010


The title of this video is funny to me since it has nothing to do with Allan Semmont; however, it does make me chuckle along with being pretty pumped on Danny's flairs. Maybe it has to do with Allan cause the tailwhip in the clip is only 6 inches above coping AHHHHHHHH!


Finally getting some needed rain. Wish it were going to do this for about a week but sadly today and maybe tomorrow are all they are calling for. Come lend a hand digging on some new shit for the trails. New things are definitely coming for 2011!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New ARF Video

These videos matter. Every time it gets watched its $1 toward the Athlete Recovery Fund. I got insurance so when I ate shit no big deal but a lot of these guys that keep us entertained a blow our minds on the regular can't afford or even get insurance. So take a few minutes out of your life and watch this vidoe...hell watch it a dozen times. Keep being lazy but start making a difference!

Go to for more videos.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall Days

Today was a good day at the trails. Nothing mentionable other than friends congregating in the woods happened but that is what made it so great. Really mellow day all-in-all made for a good time. It was close to almost jam status with the turnout being way beyond what we normally reach...I think at one point there was 9-10 guys at the trails. I'm not sure how most places work but that is OUTSTANDING for us since we normally see 3 or 4 max. Things are getting hellishly hacked up back in the woods but until a very serious rain front comes thru there really isn't much that we can do. Anyway scope the photos from the day below.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Danny got flairs on lock now. End of story.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Remember THAT!

So I've been down for about two weeks now and I'm getting around to uploading some footage from a few weeks back. Everyone needs to know two things 1. despite my incapacitated nature currently I know how to rule T-bogs (dark photo but hey that ain't some gay shit down some stairs) and 2. I want everyone to remember that Turbospoke is where IT IS AT!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting Back to It

Well after my nasty spill I'm slowly coming back to life. Things are going good. Like the last post said nose is about as straight as it can get, lip is stitched up, and the bruise on my brain is well, a bruise on my brain so their isn't shit I can do about that haha. Short term memory is hit or miss but for the most part I'm good. Long road to recovery is ahead but my start is seeming to go well.

Check back here more for updates. Mostly dirt piling from this guy because riding ain't happening anytime soon haha.