Friday, July 17, 2009

The Heathens

Finally getting around to posting a little tid bit from last Sunday's trip to Lock haven.The trails were kicken and the weather was perfect. After helping the guys clean up some of the damage from a nights worth of heavy rain we were ready to ride. They were incredible...the pictures I've seen online dont do them justice.

Justin managed to three the big set there a few times (one of which involved a nice little spill and bruising the shit out of his ribs) as well as flipping a not so small set second or third run thru a line.
Fashion was in usual energizer bunny mode with his abnormal ass heart beat...but even he was worn down after a day of turn downs and lines that have more than four jumps.
Ryan was rocking all over the place even with his busted ass face and his sweet ass palm tree swim shorts.
Wasnt exactly my day though...managed to get more than loose a few times and almost jacked my face into a tree on the crazy berm jump channel at the bottom of the hill. I had fun none-the-less and have to say we'll be making an adventure back soon.

It was a total blast and thanks go out to all the Heathens for letting us come and ride and for all the hard work they have clearly put into that spot.

Last but not least here are a few shots Keener took...not sure if Ryan got any photos...if so look for those shots sometime soon.

Me following James thru the step up line.

Justin with a flatty.
One of the locals killing it.

Fashion turndown on hips.

James Hawkins with a one-footed table.
So fun to ride with these guys again...havent seen them since Minersville.

Ryan with a sweet ass table and some sweet ass shorts!

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