Monday, August 10, 2009

Crazy Summer

This has got to be one of the craziest summers I can remember in a long time. We had about 2 weeks toward the end of July that were insanely dry and thats about it...the rest has been pure rain! Its sort of been great for us since we have so much digging ambition and great ideas that would normally have to wait until late fall and next spring to come alive. We started doing some serious damage to the fifth set in Only's. Brett carved out the lip and surfaced that sweetness with some cherry dirt like he was never gone and Keener, Fash, and Ryan went to town on the landing. It started coming together pretty quick in only an hour or two before we got hit HARD! We barely managed to get everything covered and put away till the rain hit. Thank god we had an extra piece of plastic to cover that fresh new lip. Probably head out this week and finish squaring up the 5th lip and hopefully get two or three heads there piling that landing. I wanna be sending that set by the end of next week (and the speed Brett's been throwing dirt with he can probably have that piled by himself by the end of the day today haha).

Probably have a photo update later this evening. I got ALL the pictures of the summer from J. Kim's camera loaded on my laptop so I'll pop a whole set of those on as soon as I get home from my daily grind.

PS someone remind Ryan that a Blazer wont start with the end of a carabiner!
And lastly is anyone other than us looking at this blog spot? Not that I really give a shit but if there are any randoms out there in Internet land checking us out from time to time...lay us a comment or something so we know your out there!


  1. sweet we got a fan. anyway, ryan and I (brett) were pilling like crazy on the landing. i wanna send it by sunday. screw 2 weeks. we also chainsawed 3 logs for the sides. (I tried to finish it today haha, but it was 95 degrees and i couldn't see because of the sweat dripping in my eyes.) SHRED THAT GNAR
    also started to cliff the new racer lip.

  2. hey, anyone notice that it says i dug!????
