Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New & Old

Did some digging tonight on the next set in Only's. There was a local kid that goes
by the name Angel that came out and lended a hand with the digging. Seemed like
a pretty cool kid and more than willing to learn the ways of the shovel. Hopefully
get him talked into begging for a bmx bike. Brett said he had to teach him to dig bc
we wont be able to throw dirt forever...ain't that the truth!?! I took this picture kind
of early on but a lot more got packed than this. Hopefully squaring it up and finishing
it out Thursday night if we can (fingers crossed that weather permits!).

And while weare talking about old and new...take a look below for some before and

after pics of the trails. I think we have made some mighty good progress in about a year.

The newest addition to Only's and possibly the newest addition to the 717 Family!

Late spring time last year...

...Mid-summer this year.


  1. Sure is...just so happens to be a hard worker too. Digs more than some people I know.
